Palm Beach Biennial 2023

Every two years the Art World in Palm Beach looks forward to the Biennial, a juried show by an internationally renowned curator.

I am excited and grateful that I have been selected to participate in the 2023 Biennial of the Cultural Council!

I was one of 34 Palm Beach County artists selected.

It opens with a Member Preview on April 20 and ends June 24, 2023. RSVP is required, and non-members may attend for $20. RSVP here.

This free public exhibition will take place at the Main Gallery at the Cultural Council for Palm Beach County, located in The Robert M. Montgomery, Jr. Building at 601 Lake Avenue in Lake Worth Beach. Hours are Tuesdays through Saturdays from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Call (561) 471-2901 or visit

It will be a chance for the community to see three of my paintings on canvas “And then, an island”, “Rebuild” and “The Candlestick”.

And then, an island _ Biennial 2023

“And then, an island”

24”x36” in

Acrylic on canvas 

Rebuild _ Biennial 2023


48” x 36” in

Acrylic on canvas 

The Candlestick_ Biennial 2023

“The Candlestick”

36” x 48”in

Acrylic on canvas


Hope to see you April 20!

Best Wishes,
